Breeze cement blocks, also known as concrete blocks or ventilation blocks, are blocks made from a mixture of cement, sand, and water. They are used in a variety of construction and building applications, including foundations, walls, and retaining walls. Breeze cement blocks are often used to create openings in walls or ceilings to allow air to circulate and ventilate a space.

They are available in a variety of sizes and shapes, including square, rectangular, and circular, and can be used to create vents, louvers, or other openings. Ventilation cement blocks are often used in buildings to ensure proper ventilation and airflow, which can help to regulate temperature and humidity and improve indoor air quality.

They can also be used to create natural light and views in a building by incorporating windows or other openings. Overall, breeze blocks are a versatile building material that can be used to create openings in walls and ceilings to allow air to circulate and ventilate a space.


Breeze Cement Block

Ventilation brick CTS BG 41


Breeze Cement Block

Ventilation brick CTS BG 40


Breeze Cement Block

Ventilation brick CTS BG 39

Breeze Cement Block

Ventilation brick CTS BG 38

Breeze Cement Block

Ventilation brick CTS BG 37


Breeze Cement Block

Ventilation brick CTS BG 32
